As a young mom, I went from feeling defeated every day to marathon running, a passionate mom and wife, daily writer/journaler eventually leading to my Theology degree, and many years later a business owner of a beautiful shop I loved. Ultimately, a human full of gratitude.
How does this happen?
Over 20 years, God‘s grace and the tiniest of steps have guided me from a desperate place to a new place over and over again.
This is my overcome story. An outsider looking into my life might assume things come easily to me now. Yet, any beautiful story has many small steps, sometimes painful steps that have occurred over time. When I say a beautiful story, I do not mean perfect (perfect is an illusion). Beautiful is similar to a mosaic. A million tiny broken pieces mended by God's grace and tiny steps.
Sounds great, right? Easy? Tiny steps are simple but not always easy. Trusting the process on hard days is the important part. Taking the first step, getting out of our heads, and beginning is the toughest challenge. But steps work if we let go of the timeline and listen to what God asks us.
Although, the try and fail cycle and daily excuses plagued me for years. I’d dream up a big idea, dive in full force, and then I’d burnout. This led to endless excuses of why I wasn’t cut out for growth. It also led to unkindness and labels I’d create for myself. “I’m not that kind of person.” “Only certain types of people can accomplish that.”
The cycle continues until we stop the lies and excuses, and acknowledge our God-given potential.
“The well of Providence is deep. It’s the buckets we bring to it that are small.” Mary Webb
It’s not about the marathon. Maybe God is calling you to honor, respect, and help your husband every day instead of criticizing him. Do you yearn to grow closer to Christ? Or grow in relationship with your children? Start a small business? Quit a job?
We all have something God’s placed on our hearts no matter the state of life we are in. Whether we are young, middle-aged, or old we are never exempt from the growth God has for us.
While I was baby stepping my way towards personal growth, God was working on me in so many other ways, as I said yes to Him. That’s what happens when we say yes to one small step at a time. God does more than we can imagine.
Twenty years later my goals and dreams look different (no more marathon running). Yet, I’m still baby stepping my way towards every area of growth God has placed on my heart because if God calls I’m going to answer one baby step at a time.
God’s grace and tiny steps can do that for you too. Your dreams/goals matter because God placed them on your heart. It doesn’t matter how small or large, trust God with your tiny steps. Cling to Him like a newborn baby clings to her mother. He will bless your every step.
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” Psalm 37:23
